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liberty bell 7造句

"liberty bell 7"是什么意思  
  • This was changed after the sinking of " Liberty Bell 7 ".
  • In 1999, Oceaneering of Houston found Liberty Bell 7, a Mercury space capsule.
  • Today, Liberty Bell 7 is on display in a Denver museum.
  • The launch of " Liberty Bell 7 " was first planned for July 16.
  • Who was the astronaut in Liberty Bell 7?
  • The contrasting white lettering " United States " and " Liberty Bell 7 " were visible.
  • Flown items included in the Cosmosphere's collection are a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, the " Liberty Bell 7"
  • Also, on July 15, 1961, Gus Grissom announced he would name Mercury 4, " Liberty Bell 7 ".
  • On the " Liberty Bell 7 ", this release lanyard was held in place by only one screw.
  • Condensation and smoke trailed off the heatshield at about as " Liberty Bell 7 " plunged back into the atmosphere.
  • It's difficult to see liberty bell 7 in a sentence. 用liberty bell 7造句挺难的
  • Grissom was pilot of Mercury-Redstone 4, popularly known as " Liberty Bell 7 ", the second American ( Gemini flight.
  • Grissom's Mercury capsule, the Liberty Bell 7, which plunged to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean 300 miles off Florida in 1961.
  • On July 21, 1961, Grissom was pilot of the second Project Mercury flight, Mercury-Redstone 4, which he named " Liberty Bell 7 ".
  • Once the restoration is complete, the Discovery Channel will take Liberty Bell 7 on a three-year tour, beginning about the middle of 2000.
  • Once each has been cleaned and reconditioned, the Liberty Bell 7 will be reconstructed, a process that is expected to take about six months.
  • The extra weight was too much for the H-34 and the capsule, " Liberty Bell 7 ", was emergency released and sank in deep water.
  • It will contain a plaque dedicated to restoration specialist Greg Buckingham, who headed work on the Apollo 13 and Liberty Bell 7 capsules at the space center.
  • Thirty-eight years to the day after it was swallowed up by the Atlantic Ocean, Mercury astronaut Gus Grissom's tiny Liberty Bell 7 capsule returned to land Wednesday.
  • The 7 1 / 2-foot aluminum and titanium capsule, Liberty Bell 7, sank 3 miles to the bottom of the ocean floor after splashdown on July 21, 1961.
  • The recovery project was financed by the Discovery Channel, which plans to broadcast a two-hour special, " In Search of Liberty Bell 7, " on Dec . 12.
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